Constitution of the Young Democrats of Louisiana


Section 1: Geographic Chapters
The Geographic Chapters shall be anchored by a large city, as approved by the Executive Committee. A chapter may disassociate from its anchor chapter upon approval of its charter.

The Chapters shall be:

Shreveport, Northeast, Alexandria, Natchitoches, Lake Charles, Acadiana, Baton Rouge, Houma-Thibodeaux, Northshore, River Parishes, and Orleans (see appendix map).

The Executive Committee may change these chapters at any time by majority vote.

Section 2: Regions
The 4 Regions are:

North Region: Shreveport, Natchitoches, and Northeast

Central Region: Baton Rouge, Alexandria, and Northshore

Southwest Region: Acadiana and Lake Charles

Southeast Region: River Parishes, Orleans, and Houma-Thibodeaux

Section 3: Chartering Process

An application for a charter must include a membership list of at least five regular members, with the following information for each member:

full name,

date of birth (month/day/year format),


phone number,

and any other required information by the Rules and Charter Committee.

The Rules and Charter Committee shall review each application to ensure all requirements are met.

Upon approval, the Executive Committee or State Central Committee shall vote to approve chapter applications.

Upon the approval of the Rules and Charter Committee’s report at the Annual State Convention, all chapter charters approved since the last state convention shall expire, and all new applications will take effect.

Chartered chapters may update their charters to earn more votes by submitting revised membership lists.

All chartering applications or updates must be submitted 10 days prior to the Annual State Convention. Notice and full chartering instructions will be sent to all chapter presidents via email or any other means permitted by these bylaws.


Section 1: Officer Elections
Officers are elected at the State Convention. No proxies are allowed. The President shall set the filing date.

If an office is contested, no candidate may run from the floor unless all candidates withdraw.

Regional Directors must come from their respective regions.

If no candidate wins a majority, a runoff will be held between the top two vote-getters.

In case of ties, the outgoing President will break the tie.

Section 2: Voting by the State Central Committee
The State Central Committee shall vote on resolutions, charters, rule amendments, vacancy appointments, endorsements, and other matters forwarded by the President.

Section 3: Voting by the Executive Committee
The Executive Committee may vote on all matters except officer elections and officer vacancies.


Section 1: Elected Officers
The elected officers shall be the President, Executive Vice Presidents, National Chairpersons [2], Secretary, Treasurer, Communications Chair, Operations Chair, Membership Chair, and Regional Directors. Regional Directors shall not be voting members of the Executive Committee.

Section 2: Appointed Officers
Appointed officers shall include the Immediate Past President (Advisor), Legal Counsel/Parliamentarian, High School Liaison, College Liaison, and any other appointments deemed necessary by the President, subject to approval by the Executive Committee.

Section 3: Executive Committee Responsibilities
The Executive Committee shall manage the affairs of the Young Democrats of Louisiana between State Committee meetings. It consists of elected officers and the Immediate Past President (if not aged out) as voting members. The High School and College Liaisons are voting members but do not count toward quorum.

Section 4: Terms of Office

The terms of office are as follows:

President, Executive Vice President, and National Chairpersons [2] serve two-year terms, with elections for President and National Committeewoman in even-numbered years, and for Executive Vice Presidents and National Committeeman in odd-numbered years.

All other officers serve one-year terms.

Section 5: Eligibility
Any regular member under the age of 38 years old is eligible for elected office, except for the President, National Committeeman, and National Committeewoman, who must be under 34 years old.

Section 6: Officer Duties
President: The President serves as the Chief Executive and oversees all operations, presides at meetings, and represents the organization at national and state levels.
Executive Vice Presidents: Performs the duties of the President in their absence and oversees standing committees and caucuses.
National Chairpersons: Represent the organization at Young Democrats of America functions and provide reports to the Executive Committee.
Secretary: Manages officer lists, meeting notifications, correspondence, and maintains official records and minutes.
Treasurer: Manages financial records and reports, handles deposits, and authorizes payments.

G) Communications Chair: Oversees media strategy, social media, website, and public communications.

H) Operations Chair: Manages the internal logistics and daily operations of the organization, ensuring smooth execution of events, meetings, and administrative functions

I) Membership Chair: Leads efforts to recruit, engage, and retain members, ensuring growth and active participation.
Regional Directors: Assist in implementing national and state programs within their regions and help build local chapters.

Section 7: Appointed Officer Duties
Immediate Past President (Advisor): Assists the President and Executive Committee as directed.
Legal Advisor/Parliamentarian: Provides legal guidance and assists with parliamentary procedures.

C) Senior and Junior Advisors: Assists the President and Executive Committee as directed


Section 1: Proposal Any member may propose an amendment to the bylaws in writing to the Executive Committee.

Section 2: Voting Proposed amendments will be presented at a regular meeting and must receive approval from two-thirds of the voting members present.

Adopted Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024 by the members of the Young Democrats of Louisiana