The resolutions passed by the Young Democrats of Louisiana reflect the collective vision and priorities of our organization. Each resolution represents a commitment to addressing key issues, improving our structure, and empowering young Democrats to lead and make a difference in their communities.
Explore our passed resolutions to see how YDL is driving change and building a stronger, more inclusive Democratic movement in Louisiana.
WHEREAS, the Young Democrats of Louisiana (YDL) is a newly established chapter, with the purpose of promoting progressive values, electing Democrats, and empowering young leaders in Louisiana;
WHEREAS, YDL has not had any prior voting members due to the recent establishment of the organization and must now conduct official business, including the election of officers and the approval of foundational documents;
WHEREAS, Article III, Section 2 of the YDL Constitution provides that all members shall have the right to vote in organizational elections and general body assemblies, participate in activities, and hold office;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that all current members of the Young Democrats of Louisiana, as of 10.22.24, shall be recognized as the voting members of the organization, with full rights to participate in elections, decision-making processes, and other official business;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take immediate effect, granting all current members the ability to vote on the adoption of organizational documents, officer elections, and any other urgent matters necessary for the operation of YDL;
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall serve as the foundational action to establish YDL’s voting membership, in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws of the Young Democrats of Louisiana.
Submitted by:
Jay Braxton
Interim President
Adopted by:
Young Democrats of Louisiana
WHEREAS, the Young Democrats of Louisiana recognizes the need for a formal governing document to guide the operations, structure, and principles of the organization;
WHEREAS, a draft constitution and bylaws have been developed to reflect the values, goals, and commitment of the Young Democrats of Louisiana to empower youth participation in the political process and advocate for progressive policies;
WHEREAS, the proposed constitution and bylaws have been presented to the members for review and consideration;
WHEREAS, the members of the Young Democrats of Louisiana have had the opportunity to discuss, amend, and provide input on the draft constitution;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Young Democrats of Louisiana hereby adopt the Constitution and Bylaws of the Young Democrats of Louisiana as presented;
That the Constitution and Bylaws shall serve as the governing document for the organization, outlining the structure, purpose, and operational procedures of the Young Democrats of Louisiana.
That the Executive Committee shall ensure that all members receive a copy of the adopted Constitution and Bylaws and shall be responsible for its implementation.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall be effective immediately upon passage, and the appropriate committee or officers shall take the necessary steps to implement it.
Submitted by:
Jay Braxton
Interim President
Adopted by:
Young Democrats of Louisiana
WHEREAS, the Young Democrats of Louisiana (YDL) has been established to empower young leaders, engage in progressive advocacy, and elect Democratic candidates who represent the values of fairness, justice, and opportunity for all;
WHEREAS, the members of YDL are committed to fostering youth participation in the political process, supporting the election of Democrats at all levels, and advocating for progressive policies that positively impact Louisiana's communities and citizens;
WHEREAS, YDL strives to develop and mentor the next generation of forward-thinking leaders, preparing them to champion progressive issues, lead with integrity, and contribute to the future of Louisiana and the nation;
WHEREAS, YDL is committed to regional and statewide growth, fostering geographic chapters, building effective partnerships, and engaging members across all regions of Louisiana;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Young Democrats of Louisiana officially inaugurates the adoption of its Constitution and Bylaws, as ratified on this date, [insert date], to govern the organization, its leadership, and its members in the pursuit of progressive goals and objectives;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that YDL shall commit to:
Actively promoting the core values outlined in its mission—Empower, Engage, Elect.
Fostering voter engagement and participation among youth and young adults.
Championing key progressive issues including climate action, healthcare access, education equity, criminal justice reform, and social justice.
Growing the organization by establishing strong geographic chapters and regions across Louisiana, as defined in the Bylaws.
Supporting the election of Democratic candidates who align with the values and vision of YDL.
Offering leadership training, mentorship, and opportunities for civic engagement to all members.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Young Democrats of Louisiana shall uphold this Constitution and Bylaws as the guiding document of the organization and commit to revisiting and revising these governing principles as needed to ensure the continued progress and success of YDL and its mission.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall be effective immediately upon passage, and the appropriate committee or officers shall take the necessary steps to implement it.
Submitted by:
Jay Braxton
Interim President
Adopted by:
Young Democrats of Louisiana
WHEREAS, the Young Democrats of Louisiana (YDL) aims to foster greater engagement, representation, and advocacy within the Democratic Party by allowing members to organize around their shared interests and identities;
WHEREAS, eleven members expressed interest in forming a Women’s Caucus, nine members expressed interest in forming a Black Caucus, six members expressed interest in forming an Environmental Caucus, five expressed interest in forming an LGBTQ+ Caucus, and five members expressed interest in a Rural Caucus, demonstrating a strong desire for these affinity groups;
WHEREAS, the College Caucus will serve as a platform to unify Democratic students across different campuses, centralizing their ideas and initiatives to foster collaboration and a cohesive strategy for advancing the Democratic agenda at universities and colleges across the state;
WHEREAS, caucuses provide a formal structure for these groups to work together on policy initiatives, voter engagement efforts, and other projects, ensuring a stronger, more organized approach to the mission of YDL;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Young Democrats of Louisiana will formally establish the following caucuses:
Women’s Caucus: To amplify women’s voices in the organization, advocate for gender equity, and focus on issues impacting women statewide and nationally.
Black Caucus: To represent and address the specific concerns of Black members, and to focus on promoting racial equity and civil rights initiatives.
College Caucus: To unify the Democratic voices across Louisiana’s colleges and universities, promoting collaboration, resource sharing, and centralized initiatives that drive political engagement among young adults.
Rural Caucus: To represent rural communities across the state, focusing on the unique challenges and opportunities within these areas, advocating for policy changes that directly impact rural Louisiana.
LGBTQ+ Caucus: To advocate for the rights and representation of LGBTQ+ members, promote policies that advance equality and inclusion, and provide a supportive space for LGBTQ+ voices within the organization.
Environmental Caucus: To advocate for environmental justice and sustainability, promote progressive policies that address climate change, and engage in efforts to protect Louisiana’s natural resources.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that forms will be released to allow members to sign up for these caucuses.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that each caucus shall have the authority to:
Elect its own leadership.
Define its goals and initiatives that align with YDL’s mission and objectives.
Collaborate with the Executive Board to ensure alignment with broader YDL efforts.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the organization will make a concerted effort to reach out to each Louisiana college and university with a Democratic organization, ensuring that each college is represented within the College Caucus, thereby promoting broader collaboration and a unified effort across the state.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall be effective immediately upon passage, and the appropriate committee or officers shall take the necessary steps to implement it.
Submitted by:
Jay Braxton
Interim President
Adopted by:
Young Democrats of Louisiana
WHEREAS, Sharon Weston Broome has dedicated over 35 years to public service, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to the citizens of East Baton Rouge Parish;
WHEREAS, Sharon Weston Broome exemplifies the values of the Young Democrats of Louisiana by championing social justice, environmental sustainability, and community engagement;
WHEREAS, her vision for a brighter, more inclusive future aligns with our mission to empower young voices and foster progressive change in our communities;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Young Democrats of Louisiana officially endorse Sharon Weston Broome for Mayor-President of East Baton Rouge Parish;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we commit to mobilizing our members and resources to support her campaign and amplify her message of progress and inclusion across our community;
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall be effective immediately upon passage, and the appropriate committee or officers shall take the necessary steps to implement it.
Submitted by:
Jordan Blacher
YDL General Body Member
November 19, 2024
Adopted by:
Young Democrats of Louisiana
November 21, 2024
WHEREAS, the effective and orderly transition of leadership is vital to the continuity and success of the Young Democrats of Louisiana;
WHEREAS, clearly defined procedures for the transition of powers will promote efficiency, transparency, and accountability within the organization;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the bylaws of the Young Democrats of Louisiana be amended to include the following provisions regarding the transition of powers for the Executive Board:
Article III, Sec. 8: Transition of Powers for the Executive Board
Elections for Executive Board Members
a. Elections for Executive Board positions shall be held during the annual State Convention, concurrent with the expiration of term limits for the respective positions.
Assumption of Powers by New Executive Board Members
a. Newly elected Executive Board members shall assume their roles and responsibilities seven (7) days following the date of the election.
b. During the seven-day transition period, the following organizational tasks shall be completed:
i. Adjustment of official email names and signatures.
ii. Updates to the organization's website to reflect new leadership.
iii. Disbursement of login credentials and passwords to all organizational software and platforms.
iv. Appointment and confirmation of the President’s Advisory Board.
v. Any other necessary transitional procedures.
c. These transitional responsibilities shall be carried out by members of the outgoing Executive Board, specifically those whose roles were not subject to election due to term limits or the election cycle.
Procedure in the Event of an Election Tie
In the event that no clear majority winner is selected on the first ballot, a second ballot with the top two candidates, will be circulated to select the majority winner.
If no winner is selected on the second ballot, the process listed in Clause 3 will be repeated until a clear majority winner is selected.
If no winner is selected by the fourth ballot, then floor nominations will be accepted to expand the field of possible candidates.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that these amendments shall take effect immediately upon ratification by the membership of the Young Democrats of Louisiana.
Submitted by:
Jay Braxton
Adopted by:
Young Democrats of Louisiana
WHEREAS, the inclusion of caucuses allows for greater representation, specialized focus, and enhanced engagement within the Young Democrats of Louisiana (YDL);
WHEREAS, a structured process for the creation and development of caucuses ensures transparency, inclusivity, and organizational effectiveness;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the bylaws of the Young Democrats of Louisiana be amended to include the following provisions for the establishment of caucuses:
Article V: Establishment and Governance of Caucuses
Introduction of New Caucuses
A new caucus may be proposed through a resolution brought before the general body.
The resolution to establish a caucus requires a simple majority vote for approval by the general body.
Interim Leadership and Establishment
Upon approval of the resolution, the author of the resolution will be appointed as the interim chair to guide the caucus through the establishment process.
The interim chair will oversee the organizational development and operations of the caucus until it becomes fully established.
Fundamental Development Requirements for Caucuses
A caucus is deemed fundamentally developed when it meets the following criteria:
Consists of at least five (5) official, voting members of the YDL.
Develops and submits a caucus mission statement.
Creates and submits a yearly meeting calendar.
Leadership Elections for Caucuses
Leadership for each caucus will consist of the following positions:
Caucus Chairperson
Vice Chairperson
The election process for caucus leadership will commence after the Executive Board deems the caucus fundamentally developed.
A comprehensive report, including a list of members, the caucus mission statement, and a yearly meeting calendar, must be submitted to the Executive Board by the interim chair.
The Executive Board will review the report and vote on whether the caucus has met the outlined requirements, with a simple majority needed for approval.
Upon approval, the next caucus meeting will serve as a Leadership Election Convention:
Candidates for each position will present speeches detailing their ideas, plans, and qualifications, accompanied by a visual presentation.
A maximum 25-minute Q&A session will follow the presentations for each position.
Voting will occur after the Q&A session, requiring a simple majority vote.
Only members of the caucus are eligible to vote in caucus elections.
The interim chair will preside over the Leadership Election Convention.
Restrictions and Vacancies in Leadership
Executive Board members are prohibited from serving as permanent chairs of caucuses.
Exception: An Executive Board member may temporarily serve as an interim chair in the event of a leadership vacancy within the caucus.
Full Establishment of Caucuses
After the conclusion of the elections and certification of results, the caucus will be deemed fully established and granted all functional powers allocated to it within the YDL.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that these amendments take effect immediately upon ratification by the membership of the Young Democrats of Louisiana.
Submitted by:
Jay Braxton
Adopted by:
Young Democrats of Louisiana
WHEREAS, the need for financial transparency and good stewardship of YDLA’s financial resources;
WHEREAS, a structured process for the creation and development of an Executive Finance Committee ensures transparency, inclusivity, and organizational effectiveness;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the bylaws of the Young Democrats of Louisiana be amended to include the following provisions for the establishment of the Executive Finance Committee:
Article VI: Establishment and Governance of the Executive Finance Committee
Leadership and Establishment
Upon approval of the resolution, the Treasurer will serve as chair to oversee the matters of the Executive Finance Committee.
The chair will oversee the operations of the committee, and ensure that all needed financial matters are brought to the committee membership.
Committee Membership
The committee will be composed of the Treasurer, as chair, the President, the Chief of Staff, an Advisor, and the Director of Communications.
In the event that one of the aforementioned positions is vacant or the serving person is unable to participate in committee duties, the Treasurer will select a replacement from a pool of active Executive Board members.
Committee Business
The committee will review all reimbursement requests that are $751 or more. In their review of these requests, the committee will have the ability to approve or disapprove of the request. If approved, the committee will be able to establish a reasonable dollar amount, based on their assessment of the financial situation of the organization, to pay out as it relates to the reimbursement request.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that these amendments take effect immediately upon ratification by the membership of the Young Democrats of Louisiana.
Submitted by:
Tyler Sanchez
Adopted by:
Young Democrats of Louisiana
WHEREAS, the young Democrats of Louisiana are committed to fostering youth, engagement, advocacy, and leadership in the Democratic Party at all levels of government. Elected officials who aligned with the values and mission of YDL, play a critical role in promoting progressive policies, and inspiring young people to become involved in the political process;
WHEREAS, a formal caucus of elected officials within YDL will provide a platform to amplify their voices share best practices and collaborate on policy priorities that reflect the interest of young Democrats across Louisiana;
WHEREAS, the establishment of elected officials caucus will enhance YDL’s capacity to advocate for its mission and increase its impact on local state and national policies;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Young Democrats of Louisiana hereby established the elected officials caucus as an official body within the organization;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the purpose of the elected officials Caucus shall be to:
1- Provide a space for democratic, elected officials under the age of 35, or who support the mission of YDL, to collaborate and advance shared goals.
2- Advocate for policy initiatives aligned with the values of young Democrats in Louisiana.
3- Serve as mentors and advisors to YDL members pursuing careers in public service and leadership.
4- Engage in outreach efforts to increase awareness of YDL and encourage more young people to join the organization.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that members in the elected officials caucus shall be open to all current Democratic elected officials who meet the eligibility criteria set forth by the YDL bylaws;
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall be effective immediately upon passage, and the appropriate committee or officers shall take the necessary steps to implement it.
Submitted by:
Lee J. Verret
Membership Chair
December 9, 2024
Adopted by:
Young Democrats of Louisiana
WHEREAS, the Young Democrats of Louisiana (YDL) currently lacks a formal procedure for endorsing candidates;
WHEREAS, it is in the interest of the organization to provide a transparent and fair process for endorsing candidates;
WHEREAS, the Young Democrats of Louisiana (YDL) is committed to supporting candidates who uphold and advocate for the values and mission of the organization;
WHEREAS, establishing a clear and democratic endorsement process ensures transparency, accountability, and fairness in supporting candidates for public office;
Whereas, the political landscape often necessitates flexibility in navigating statewide and local elections while maintaining organizational cohesion;
WHEREAS, YDL seeks to empower local chapters with autonomy while ensuring state-level oversight to preserve unity and strategic alignment;
WHEREAS, fostering collaboration between the state organization and local chapters strengthens YDL's capacity to make meaningful contributions to campaigns;
WHEREAS, disputes arising in the endorsement process require structured mechanisms for resolution to avoid internal conflicts and maintain organizational integrity;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the YDL adopts the following endorsement process, which will be incorporated into its bylaws:
Section 1:
State General Body: The collective voting membership of YDL at the state level, including all eligible members with voting rights in statewide matters.
Local General Body: The collective voting membership of a YDL local chapter, including all eligible members with voting rights in local matters.
State Executive Committee: The leadership body of YDL at the state level, responsible for oversight and governance of statewide operations and decisions.
Local Chapter Executive Committee: The leadership body of a YDL local chapter, responsible for overseeing local operations and decisions.
Elections Committee: A standing committee of YDL tasked with reviewing and voting on endorsement resolutions for statewide races.
Regional Vice President: A YDL officer responsible for overseeing and coordinating activities within a designated geographic region and serving as a liaison between local chapters and the state organization.
YDL Values: The set of principles and ideals that guide the Young Democrats of Louisiana, as described in the YDL Constitution. These values inform all organizational decisions and activities, ensuring alignment with YDL’s mission and purpose.
Section 2:
Endorsement Process Overview
Introduction of an Endorsement Resolution
Any voting member of YDL may introduce a resolution for statewide races.
Resolutions for local elections must originate from the local chapter within the candidate's district.
In districts without a local chapter, any voting member residing within the district may introduce the resolution.
Submission and Review Process for Statewide Races
Submitted resolutions are sent to the Elections Committee for review and a simple majority vote.
Approved resolutions advance to the State General Body for a simple majority vote.
If no Elections Committee exists, resolutions default to the State Executive Committee for review and approval.
Disputes regarding statewide endorsements may be escalated to the State General Body by a simple majority vote of the State Executive Committee.
Submission and Review Process for Local Races
Local chapter members submit resolutions to their Local Chapter Executive Committee for a simple majority vote.
Approved resolutions proceed to the Local General Body for a simple majority vote.
Upon passage, the local chapter president notifies the Regional Vice President, who informs the State Executive Committee.
Process for Districts Without Local Chapters
Resolutions are submitted to the Regional Vice President for review and referral to the State Executive Committee.
If approved, the endorsement is treated as a state-recognized local endorsement, with support coordinated by the State Executive Committee.
Section 3:
Implementation of Endorsements
Statewide Endorsements
YDL provides:
Volunteer opportunities, including canvassing and phone banking.
Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) initiatives.
Social media and marketing support.
Local Endorsements
Local chapters provide:
Volunteer support, including canvassing and other GOTV initiatives.
Social media and marketing assistance.
Section 4:
Contingency Plans and Safeguards
Resolution Disputes for Local Races
The State Executive Committee may intervene in local endorsements by passing a motion to escalate the resolution to a State General Body vote.
The Regional Vice President must notify the local chapter and provide details about the upcoming vote.
Procedure for Escalation in Local Disputes
Before the General Body vote, the Regional Vice President must explain the reasoning for the objection.
The local chapter may:
Withdraw the resolution voluntarily.
Amend and resubmit the resolution for reconsideration.
The General Body will vote to approve or reject the resolution.
If rejected, the local chapter is prohibited from engaging in endorsement support activities.
Endorsement Withdrawal
If a candidate violates YDL's values, the endorsement may be rescinded by a two-thirds majority vote in the approving body.
Vacancies and Absence of Committees
In the absence of an Elections Committee, statewide resolutions default to the State Executive Committee.
If a local chapter lacks leadership, the State Executive Committee may oversee the endorsement process.
Section 5:
Endorsement Questionnaire
Questionnaire Procedures
All candidates must fill out the attached questionnaire. If the candidate does not submit a completed questionnaire they can not be endorsed.
Exception: Candidate can be endorsed through an overturn of this measure by a 2/3 Majority vote of the Executive Committee.
Exception: All Presidential, senatorial, and house congressional races candidates are exempt from completing the mandated YDL candidate endorsement questionnaire.
The Endorsement Questionnaire will be housed on the YDL website for easy access, or candidates can be directly sent the questionnaire via Google Form or Pdf.
The Elections Committee will collect all submitted endorsement questionnaires.
In the event of a contested endorsement the questionnaire will be made available to all relevant internal, voting members.
Section 6:
Single-Candidate Endorsement Policy
The Young Democrats of Louisiana (YDL) shall endorse only one candidate per phase of an election—including primary, general, and runoff—unless it is an election in which multiple seats are simultaneously available and more than one candidate may prevail.
In such multi-seat elections, YDL may endorse more than one candidate up to the number of seats, provided all endorsed candidates meet the requirements set forth in this resolution.
Only Democratic candidates can be endorsed by Young Democrats of Louisiana (YDL).
Be It Further Resolved, that the YDL Executive Committee will communicate the endorsement process to all members and provide training sessions.
Be It Finally Resolved, that this resolution takes effect immediately upon approval by the State General Body.
Submitted by:
Jay Braxton
Adopted by:
Young Democrats of Louisiana
WHEREAS, the Young Democrats of Louisiana are committed to supporting candidates who embody the values of justice, equity, and progress for all Louisianans;
WHEREAS, Quentin Anthony Anderson has demonstrated a lifelong dedication to public service, community advocacy, and progressive leadership, as reflected in his work as a small business owner, legal professional, and communications strategist;
WHEREAS, Quentin Anthony Anderson’s extensive background includes serving as a field organizer for President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign, founding Anderson Creative, and advocating for progressive reforms such as the school-to-prison pipeline reform legislation, which he successfully negotiated in Illinois;
WHEREAS, Quentin Anthony Anderson is committed to key issues important to the citizens of District 14, including improving public education, addressing economic disparities, ensuring access to healthcare, and protecting the environment;
WHEREAS, Quentin Anthony Anderson has outlined a clear vision for the future of District 14 that prioritizes community-driven solutions, investments in renewable energy, housing affordability, and economic opportunities for working families;
WHEREAS, Quentin Anthony Anderson’s values align with the mission of the Young Democrats of Louisiana to advance policies that benefit youth, working families, and underrepresented communities;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Young Democrats of Louisiana formally endorse Quentin Anthony Anderson for Louisiana State Senate, District 14, in the 2025 Special Election;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Young Democrats of Louisiana will support Quentin Anthony Anderson’s campaign through advocacy, outreach, and mobilization efforts to ensure his election to the Louisiana State Senate.
Be It Finally Resolved, that this resolution takes effect immediately upon approval by the State General Body.
Submitted by:
Jay Braxton
Adopted by:
Young Democrats of Louisiana
WHEREAS, the Young Democrats of Louisiana are committed to supporting candidates who embody the values of justice, equity, and progress for all Louisianans;
WHEREAS, Ken Martin has demonstrated as Chairman of the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, President of the Association of State Democratic Committees, and Vice Chair of the Democratic National Committee, a strong commitment to fighting for working families and building a stronger Democratic Party;
WHEREAS, Ken Martin has demonstrated a clear pattern of winning leadership as seen in the Minnesota DFL Party’s 25-0 record in statewide elections since he became chair;
WHEREAS, Ken Martin has tirelessly worked to elect Democratic candidates across the United States and its territories, campaigning for Democrats in all 50 states and 2 U.S. territories, including Southern and traditionally Republican-led states such as Louisiana;
WHEREAS, Ken Martin has committed to increasing funding for state parties through the State Partnership Program, increasing the Red State Fund to go on offense everywhere in America, and ensuring that state party chairs and executive directors are full-time, paid positions;
WHEREAS, Ken Martin has a clear vision for the Democratic Party as the party for the working class and his firsthand experience as a labor organizer and a card-carrying union member would help him to execute this vision;
WHEREAS, Ken Martin has committed to empowering youth to fight for this vision by fully-funding Young Democrats of America and increasing the Young Democrats of America’s representation on the Democratic National Committee;
WHEREAS, Ken Martin’s values align with the mission of the Young Democrats of Louisiana to advance policies that benefit youth, working families, and underrepresented communities;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Young Democrats of Louisiana formally endorse Ken Martin for Democratic National Committee Chair in the 2025 Election;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Young Democrats of Louisiana will support Ken Martin’s election through advocacy, outreach, and mobilization efforts to ensure his election as Democratic National Committee Chair.
Be It Finally Resolved, that this resolution takes effect immediately upon approval by the State General Body.
Submitted by:
Colin Carter
National Chairperson
Adopted by:
Young Democrats of Louisiana
Appendix A:
701 Government Street
Baton Rouge LA
Paid for by The Young Democrats of Louisiana